Tuesday, August 7, 2012

More Doctor Visits

Today I brought 5 more children to see the doctor.  The drive is about 30 minutes.  Imagine 3 adults (a driver, a translator, and myself)  and 5 children ages 5-16 squished into the cab of a Nissan truck.  It was an adventure.  I had 2 children sitting in my lap in the back of the cab with 2 more children sitting next to us.  We sat on 2 seats that folded down on the sides of the cab.  Our translator also held a small child in her lap in the passenger seat.  It was strange not having booster seats, seat belts, or a spot for all of the children to sit.  We arrived safely and the doctor was able to see us fairly quickly.  He partners with our orphanage and considers us VIP.  When we arrive he sees us as soon as possible.  All of the children needed medication.  I'm glad we were able to get his medical expertise in order to help these children feel better.  Some of the children get sick because they have poor hygiene.  This week I plan to teach the children about proper hygiene.  This includes hand washing and tooth brushing.  When I taught kindergarten in Minnesota, I had my students sing the ABC song when they washed their hands.  I hope to think of a song that is popular in Haiti for the children to sing.  Please continue to pray for the health of the children.  Some of the workers at Grace tell me that I am a nurse and that I know a lot about caring for sick children.  Actually, I know nothing.  I know how to put on a band-aid and I know how to bring comfort to those who feel sick.  Now that I am getting to know each child, I am beginning to recognize when they don't feel well and am able to respond to their needs.  I am learning about various medications and dosages.  I need to trust that God will give me wisdom on how to care for these children and when I need to seek further medical attention.  Today we were blessed by getting a diagnosis for each child.  Tomorrow will be  brand new day!

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Bea would say, "I am so proud of you, my little Toupsa!!!"
