Sunday, July 15, 2012

Preparing for Church

Last night the children spent many hours preparing for church.  They wear their very best clothes to church.  The older children helped the younger children iron their clothes.  The girls had their hair braided and many of them had colorful barrettes at the ends of their braids.  They were so beautiful.  One girl wanted to braid my hair too.  When the ironing was finished, the children went to bed.  This morning, we all dressed our best for church.  The feeding center (cafeteria) was filled with people who had come from Titanyen.  Many of them may have walked a long ways to church.  We all sat like sardines on the benches.  Many people held children in their lap.  As people worshipped they gave thanks to God for all they have.  Many of them have so little.  But, I am in awe at how rich their hearts are for the Lord.  I pray that my heart has a faith that is as pure as that of a child's.  As the songs were sung, people danced, raised their hands, and praised God.  Right now it is playtime and the children are playing soccer, singing songs, and playing checkers.  They seem to get along well.  They are family.  I am thankful that they have accepted me as part of their family.


  1. Kathy it warms my heart to read your blog. You are such a sweet spirit. It helps remind me of God's true riches and blessings that He gives to us. I know that you are such a blessing to the children and the people of Haiti.
    Much love from Minnesota,
    Megan Johnson

  2. Kathy:

    Praying for you my friend! It is so good to hear your stories!
